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  1. Extending Universal Design Principles onto the Farmstead

    demographic of people living with a wide array of disabilities, age-related limitations, and chronic health ... conditions. Universal Design is the creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to ... approach. Principle 1: Equitable Use The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities. ...

  2. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: A Summary of the Measurement Method

    people. However, there is little scientific evidence to support the use of °Brix values as anything more ... Watermelon, HYG-1653 The technical contributions of Stephanie Short and Danae Wolfe in the preparation of this ...

  3. Self-Care for the Caregiver

    resources, or energy to handle. Signs of Caregiver Burnout Caregivers are as important as the people they ... help. Suggest specific things people can do to help you, such as picking up groceries or driving your ...

  4. Coalition Leadership

    Jennifer Lobb, Graduate Research Associate, Ohio State University Extension The people who lead, ... are listed in this fact sheet. A coalition may benefit from a leadership team made up of people with ... competence as the respect for, engagement with and mutual influence among people of different ethnic, racial ...

  5. Honey Bees in House Walls

    a nuisance or hazard to humans. Some people have severe allergic reactions to the sting of a honey bee. Honey ... not be appropriate if the bees are located in an area where people are very active. To trap, place ...

  6. Nurturing in Stepfamilies

    though there are new people in the family. Also, parents and children may need to plan ahead to spend ... people's children isn't always easy and it is unrealistic to expect the new stepparent to love the ...

  7. Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water

    recommendation. The boil water call is for good reason, since consuming contaminated water can make people very ... make people sick. When is doubt, drink boiled water! Any heat source—electric or gas range, camp stove, ...

  8. Biosecurity for Youth Livestock Exhibitors

    group of animals will be isolated away from other groups; how traffic (movement of people, animals and ... visitors from petting or feeding your animals. People going from animal-to-animal can spread disease agents ... that can cause problems in people. Some examples are ringworm, certain E. coli, salmonella, ...

  9. After You Say “I Do”: Adjusting to Marriage

    enrich the love between two people, and it evolves through the foundations of friendship, a meaningful ... the most important aspect of two people staying together is the balance of positive to negative ... underlie many of the interactions that two people share. The Warning Signs In his research, Gottman has ...

  10. Gluten-Free Eating: Important Considerations

    Reasons to Avoid Gluten Some people must follow a gluten-free diet for three medical reasons: wheat ... lifelong strict adherence to a gluten-free diet. Experts estimate that 1 in 100 people worldwide have ... a gluten-free diet is 20 times higher than the percentage of Americans with Celiac disease. Other Reasons People ...
