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'Green Is for Life!' Ohio State Campus in Wooster to Host Green Fair
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. “Our goal is to educate people about the variety of ... Organizers expect at least 2,000 people to attend, which is how many came last year, Covert said. Admission ...
Ohio State to Co-host International E. coli Symposium
including a recent outbreak of E. coli O26 linked to raw clover sprouts that infected 29 people in 11 ... genomics, animal scientists, clinicians treating people with E. coli … the whole scope. All of us are ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Horse Meat, Yay or Neigh? (for the Week of Dec. 31, 2006)
people eating horse meat? A.: The United States has three slaughterhouses that take in horses (many but ... overseas." But: Lots of people argue whether slaughtering horses should still go on. Some say it ... say it should, that stopping it would cost people too much time and money. In fall, the U.S. House of ...
Shrub Rose Versatility Appealing to Flower-Lovers
There's something about them that people love," said Gary Anderson, an Ohio State University ... tolerance to pests and diseases. "People are always looking for plants that don't require a lot of ... appearance, which gives them a more natural look. I think people want to return to that look and that's ...
Chow Line: Whole grains a whole lot better (for 7/14/02)
most people don't get enough of. And they have more fiber, helping whole-grain you reach the 25 ... good reason to choose whole grains. Results indicated that overweight people who eat whole grains ... Only 11 people participated in the study, so it will be interesting to see if results are confirmed ...
UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC
a People to People International board meeting in Denmark. Along with more than 250 other flights, her ... who was eight and a half months pregnant, stayed in people's homes," Brooks-Jones said. ... "But no matter where we were, we had everything we needed. People brought towels and blankets from ...
Gardening Good Therapy for Arthritis Sufferers
one-time programs in the past and we had 60-70 people show up for one. That was the moment for me," ... people were in this topic. They want to enjoy themselves in the garden without hurting themselves." ... exercise on the joints. "The worst thing you can do if you have arthritis is to stop moving. People ...
OSU President Gee to Keynote Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair
educate people about sustainability, said Allen Zimmerman, the chair of the planning committee. It’s also ... exhibitors and 2,000 people. For more information, call 330-287-1263 or go to ...
Ohio State Students Help in Hurricane Recovery Efforts
felt that the people of Louisiana needed her help more than she needed to be at home working to make ... same for them if their state's people were in need. "I have never been involved in a relief ... effort, but I knew we could do a lot with 30 people working eight-hour days," Stacklin said. ...
Join the 'Buckthorn Watch': Citizens Needed to Track Invasive Plant in Ohio, Mich., Iowa
edges of forests. "We really want people to go out in the nice fall weather and look for buckthorn ... people to join this program and report buckthorn sites during the months of September and October, as we ... said, provides all the information necessary for people to get involved, including plant identification ...