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  1. Meat industry not threatened by plant-based alternatives, study suggests

    environmental and development economics at The Ohio State University. “People buy pork and beef, and at the same ... are not only vegetarian but also people who are curious about plant-based meat and even meat eaters,” ... company perspective, what they are trying to do is replace people’s diet of beef and pork,” Zhao said. “We ...

  2. Celebrating Our Clock Trophy Winners

    these young people and their outstanding efforts. A complete list of the 2022 clock trophy sponsors can ...

  3. Ohio 4-H members attend National 4-H Conference

    Conference went above and beyond my expectations. I was proud to be part of the Ohio delegation. The people ... with individuals from California to Idaho, friendships with people who share the same passion for 4-H ...

  4. Callicoat (AAE '21) named director of state policy for Ohio Farm Bureau

    said. “I found a real passion for agricultural policy and advocating for people who often don’t think ... hopeful to also connect with AEDE alumni and families who are Ohio Farm Bureau members. For many people ... voices of people.” Learn more about a degree in Agribusiness and Applied Economics  >>>> ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Equity

    fairgrounds accessible?  Not all fairgrounds are created equal, at least not for people with disabilities. ...

  6. Unemployment in Ohio at the end of 2021

    keeping people unemployed has long been an open question, and the pandemic relief payments, which ended in ...

  7. Giving shoppers a nudge to forgo plastic bags

    guide people in a certain direction but not restrict their options. And to count as a nudge, an ... last? I think for all nudges, there is a decay effect because people get used to it in daily life. But ... people who were buying lots of items say they wished they didn’t have to use a bag,” Hu said. “It might ...

  8. Irwin selected as 2022 AERE Fellow

    Irwin is not only one of the most talented, hardworking people I know, she is also one of the most ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Endowment

    future of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills through ...

  10. Calendar of events

    shouldn't we be striving to treat all people equally? What does it mean to be inclusive? How do all of these ...
