
Search results

  1. Rebekah Carr

    Ohio State? All the opportunites for hands on experience and connecting to people in the agriculture ...

  2. Ella Higgins

    State?  My favorite thing about Ohio State is making connections with amazing people!   Fun Fact:  I play ...

  3. Ellie Shaw

    Ohio State?  All the opportunities CFAES has to offer and meeting new people!   Fun Fact:  I’m an aunt ...

  4. Abby Cornelius

    nervous, and I want to help other people feel as comfortable as I do now!  ...

  5. Share your Talent in the 2021 Flo Chirra Memorial Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest

    1425 East High Street, Suite 112, Bryan, Ohio 43506, by e-mail to, or returned to ...

  6. Ryanna Tietje

    connecting them with resources and people they need to thrive as they complete their studies at The Ohio ...

  7. National Nutrition Month Turns 50. How Would You Fare On MyPlate Test?

    people of all ages. For children, there are age-appropriate tasks they may enjoy. If you watch ...

  8. Here's How To Celebrate The Holiday Season Without Breaking The Bank

    up and people may spend more money on them than they realize, Marrison said. “For some people that ... touch with people over social media throughout the year. Marrison had some advice on this as well. “Now ... you genuinely thinking about the people you’re sending those cards to and conveying your love to them ...

  9. Yellow Pie Plate Research Helps Families Resolve Heirloom Conflict

    different people.  Realize that gender may have little impact on who gets the garden utensils or the dishes, ...

  10. Share Your Talent in the 2022 Flo Chirra Memorial Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest

    Williams County youth in Kindergarten through Second Grade for the 2022-2023 school year are invited to share their talent in the 2023 Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest, sponsored by Ohio State University Extension Williams County and the Williams County ...
