
Search results

  1. Farms branching out: Expanding opportunities for agroforestry markets, connections, and conservation

    collaborative Ohio Interagency Forestry Team.. Stephanie Chizmar, Ph.D. Dr. Chizmar is a Research Economist with ...

  2. Sayeed Mehmood

    often in conflict with each other. People’s perceptions and attitudes about natural resources, their ...

  3. A chat may help convert a peer to a pro-sustainability stance

    a conversation or written exchange helped coax people who held anti-sustainability views toward support for an ... environmentally friendly initiative.  Results also showed that people with a pro-sustainability viewpoint were not ... issues, people can get entrenched in their views, but we find that this is not always the case, at least ...

  4. Get ready to jump-start your internship search

    supporting your peers in a casual, friendly environment where people are eager to give you advice and answer ...

  5. Digital Downloads: show gratitude for the special people in your life

    Our latest Digital Download bundle contains activities centered around showing gratitude to the everyday heroes in each of our lives. Take some time to create a unique keepsake for someone in your life who deserves to be recognized. DOWNLOAD HERE ...

  6. Success Coaching

    help students identify resources and people in their support networks they can rely on while they ...

  7. Save the Date: 17th Annual Stinner Summit November 13th

    a pioneer in regenerative agriculture research and a great connector of people. Each year the Stinner Summit ...

  8. Digital Downloads: show gratitude for the special people in your life

    Our latest Digital Download bundle contains activities centered around showing gratitude to the everyday heroes in each of our lives. Take some time to create a unique keepsake for someone in your life who deserves to be recognized. DOWNLOAD HERE ...

  9. Diversity and Social Justice Glossary

    people with illness, disabilities, or less developed skills/ talents. Able-bodied: A person who does not ... Adultism: Prejudiced thoughts and discriminatory actions against young people, in favor of older person(s). ... lesbians, transgender people); typically, a member of dominant group allying for a member or members of ...

  10. The 2023 Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative Report Released

    algal blooms have many causes and many impacts, which means many different people have perspectives and ...
