
Search results

  1. Student Engagement with OSU Extension

    aspirations. Check out this 3-minute video about real people working for OSU Extension.   EXISTING AND EMERGING ... EXTENSION CAREERS Are you interested in a career that allows you to work with diverse groups of people ...

  2. Trauma-Informed Care Approach: Certified Trainer Training

    Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have many different types ... of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from those around ...

  3. Security Reminder

    It is important to keep security in mind with less people occupying our buildings. Please keep ...

  4. Sustainability Video Series Available

    videos focusing on helping people live more sustainably within their homes and communities. The videos ... will promote simple, everyday actions people can take to conserve energy, reduce waste, and save money. ...

  5. Ohio Victory Gardens Program set to Launch

    OSU Extension and the Ohio Department of Agriculture are partnering to encourage people to plant ... state next year to continue encouraging people to grow vegetables.  If you have content you are willing ...

  6. Advanced Soil Health Systems Training for Indiana USDA-NRCS

    Stephanie McLain from USDA-NRCS Indiana State Soil Health Program,  Joe Rorick from Conservation Cropping ... Core Trainings and/or previously attended Advanced Soil Health Systems Trainings.  More than 100 people ...

  7. Wooster Science Cafe

    except while eating or drinking-              We will be arranging the chairs so that people can sit ...

  8. Pulse Survey Input Requested

    Our goal is to gain a simple pulse of how people in OSU Extension are doing during these times. We ... about people who complete the survey. To connect with us and submit your response, visit this pulse ...

  9. Pulse Survey Input Requested

    Our goal is to gain a simple pulse of how people in OSU Extension are doing during these times. We ... about people who complete the survey. We have heard from about 250 of you so far; but we would like to ...

  10. Essential and Time-Critical In-Person Programming Process

    factors to consider regarding the need for 6-foot physical distancing and the number of people a gathering ... 100 people would need to be adjusted to a maximum of 50 people.  If you need to estimate the capacity ...
