
Search results

  1. Eating Disorders Awareness: Bulimia Nervosa

    diuretics; fasting; or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain. People with bulimia may feel out of control ... difficult. However, many people struggling with bulimia nervosa recognize their behaviors are unusual and ... home. May avoid eating around other people. Resources American Psychological Association. (2014). ...

  2. Preventing Heart Disease

    damage. For most people, living by a few basic principles can prevent a heart attack. Regular Health ... Screenings High blood pressure and high cholesterol damage the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, people ... of exercise—which may be true. For most people, everyday exercise is not the same as meaningful ...

  3. First Grade: Cybersafety—Is Your Child Safe Online?

    is most important is for you to teach your child how to treat other people and be safe at all ... people should always be treated with respect. Respecting the people around us includes saying things that ...

  4. The Living Will

    on the individual’s behalf. In such states, some people do not qualify as witnesses: the agent or ...

  5. Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water

    recommendation. The boil water call is for good reason, since consuming contaminated water can make people very ... make people sick. When is doubt, drink boiled water! Any heat source—electric or gas range, camp stove, ...

  6. Biosecurity for Youth Livestock Exhibitors

    group of animals will be isolated away from other groups; how traffic (movement of people, animals and ... visitors from petting or feeding your animals. People going from animal-to-animal can spread disease agents ... that can cause problems in people. Some examples are ringworm, certain E. coli, salmonella, ...

  7. Sun Exposure (Protect Your Skin)

    blue, green or gray eyes. A common misconception is that people with darker complexions are not at risk ... for skin cancer, because they do not easily sunburn. While it is true that people with darker ...

  8. Avoiding Skin Irritations and Injuries Caused by Plants

    irritations and injuries. Some people are more sensitive to certain plants than others. It is important to ... dahlias. • Plants of this type can trigger allergic reactions in some people. • The pollen from these ...

  9. Secondary Injury Prevention: Caught-in, Caught-between, or Struck by Objects

    objects, leading to serious injuries. People with limited mobility, lack of range of motion, or diminished ... distracted by conversations. Watch for people carrying objects that block their view of you or their ... destination. Do not daydream or lose focus of what you and the people around you are doing. Eliminate all ...

  10. Gluten-Free Eating: Important Considerations

    Reasons to Avoid Gluten Some people must follow a gluten-free diet for three medical reasons: wheat ... lifelong strict adherence to a gluten-free diet. Experts estimate that 1 in 100 people worldwide have ... a gluten-free diet is 20 times higher than the percentage of Americans with Celiac disease. Other Reasons People ...
