
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review 2020

    requires any event which is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and ...

  2. Ohio Treasurer Announces February COMPASS Awards

    Extension-- Ohio Saves program was among the recipients. “There are people and organizations throughout the ...

  3. Eight ACEL alumni finalists for Ohio's Golden Owl Award

    The Ohio State University. They are: Stephanie Conway ’04, agricultural educator at Bowling Green High ...

  4. Tips for Teens

    University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences help people improve their lives and strengthen their ... communities. We serve thousands of people throughout Ohio every year, delivering high quality education ... programs developed from evidence-based research that focuses on building healthy people, healthy finances ...

  5. Water Quality in the Western Lake Erie Basin

    Water quality extension associates work as a team with faculty, extension specialists, and educators and bring current information, applied research, and resources to the agricultural community. Our goal is to engage farmers and their trusted advisors in ...

  6. Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities resources

    is considered as part of all service and support plans for people with disabilities. Community ...

  7. Burned out caring for someone? Attend this workshop

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—As people age and some become disabled, they may need a caregiver, and while that ... workshop is for people who care for someone who is disabled or sick, adult children concerned about aging ... discussion. “People will learn relaxation techniques. They can vent. They can ask, ‘What do I do now?’” ...

  8. Breakout Session descriptions

    Despite decades of recommendations to engage Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and their communities ... of the young people, witness their photographs, and reflect on their stories. Participants will also ... history of laughter therapy and the key people who have established this practice. Understanding the ...

  9. Apply for Water Quality Extension Associate Position

    Work with farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin to implement mangagement strategies to decrease nutrient loads leaving their fields. If you enjoy outreach, education, research, and working with farmers this is the position for you! Position is located at ...

  10. Workshop Presenters and Exhibitors- February 22, 2020

    support across the lifespan of people with developmental disabilities, the Ohio Department of ... older Ohioans, people with disabilities and their families. Buckeye Hills Regional Council  ... life for older adults, people with disabilities, their families and caregivers. We promote choice, ...
