
Search results

  1. Alumni in the news

    alternatives for county fair auctions Stephanie Jolliff  ’96 BS Agricultural Education, ’03 MS Agricultural ...

  2. Brazilians See Enough of OSU in a Single Day to Return for Graduate Studies

    (TOP) which has opened doors for over 15,000 young people, from Ohio or from around the world, over the ...

  3. Apply for Water Quality Extension Associate Position

    Work with farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin to implement mangagement strategies to decrease nutrient loads leaving their fields. If you enjoy outreach, education, research, and working with farmers this is the position for you! Position is located at ...

  4. Student profile: Jess Kronenberger

    more people were tackling outdoor improvements.  Jess was able to arrange to intern at Valley City ...

  5. Alumni in the news

    Agricultural Education 2001-  Ohio FFA coping with COVID-19 through resilience Stephanie Jolliff BS ...

  6. Webinar on Household Food Waste Measurement: Alternatives to Diaries and Digs

    Few people like to take the garbage out, let alone measure it.  This ‘yuk’ factor creates ... food-waste caddies) often relies upon intimate contact between people and unwanted food.  This has ...

  7. Animal Sciences Bullish about on-Animal Sensors Project with Australia’s CQUniversity

    around the clock and are sensitive enough to detect minute changes that people do not notice. For cattle ...

  8. Lecturer Profile: Denise Kestner

    Economics major. Kestner teaches her students the importance of people and how they relate to success of ...

  9. Co-op gift funds food-based cancer research

    Cooperative.  “Our farmer-owners are committed to the community and want to make a difference in people ... different people and disciplines who all play an important role in understanding functional food research ...

  10. Survey says…better designed survey questions generate truer responses

    to reduce bias, survey questions should make people think harder in order to provide deep answers. ...
