
Search results

  1. Gluten Free Eating 2021

    diet. For people who make the decision to eat gluten free as a matter of dietary choice and not ...

  2. Another good dairy cattle judging season at Ohio State ATI

    Sarah Quallen (Wilmington, OH), and Stephanie Wyatt (Hamilton, OH). Don Hange and Royce Thornton coached ... Holstein.     • Stephanie Wyatt: 10th in oral reasons; 5th in Guernsey; 10th in Holstein; and 10th in oral ...

  3. Animal Science Elective

    the course for you! In this course, we will explore the way people make decisions about the use and ... treatment of animals. We will also discuss ways to disseminate information and communicate with people of ...

  4. Burpees for Vets challenge

    $11, film yourself doing burpees for 11 seconds and then challenge 3 other people.  Perhaps, either you ...

  5. Building a Resume

    accomplishments. People often use functional format when attempting to change careers or when just starting out ...

  6. 15th Annual Stinner Summit

    brainstorm ways to improve the health of Ohio’s land and people with support from the Ben Stinner Endowment ...

  7. Unique Course Now Offered

    lives lived by good people as understood through different perspectives? How do we find our own ...

  8. Asian American Day of Action

    into law, prohibiting non-white people from becoming citizens of the United States. Over 200 years ... people like you speaking up about this growing problem. Start by posting your message of support for ...

  9. The Supervisor’s Toolbox Certificate Program Registration Deadline

    be effective! The Supervisor's Toolbox is for frontline supervisors, lead people, those new to ...

  10. Autumn 2014 Graduates

    Stephanie Loeffler- Advisor: Michael Lilburn Matthew Walston- Advisor: Ramesh Selvaraj EOS: End of Semester ...
