
Search results

  1. Caregiving during a pandemic or illness

    groups of people. This is admittedly very difficult, so here are some thoughts: If you are working ... This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people in the office or ... other people If the patient is not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble ...

  2. Plans Underway for the 2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Pogram

    knowledge, but most importantly, share that knowledge with others. Class size is limited to 25 people. Please ...

  3. Tis The Season for Soil Testing

    Testing your soil is the only way to determine the nutrient levels in your soil. Some people fertilizer ...

  4. The Silent Killer, Carbon Monoxide

    Control and Prevention state, “Although CO poisoning can be prevented, each year, approximately 438 people ...

  5. Food and Nutrition Education

    provide accessible and reliable research-based information to help people help themselves. Nutrition ...

  6. Respecting the Tough Work

    Northwest Ohio in 2019. The volunteer training is called  Tough Work: Understanding and Serving People in ...

  7. Are you Prepared?

    a jump start on recovery when faced with emergencies. The month-long campaign aims to encourage people to ... communications plans, emergency supply lists, information for specific populations (people with disabilities, ...

  8. Be Aware of Winter’s Silent Killer

    powered generators, furnaces and chimneys. More than 200 people die each year in the U.S. from incidental ... monitor. Together, these devices alert provide a quick alert for people to leave the area.   For additional ...

  9. June 2020 Pressure Canner Dial Gauge Testing

    reason, most people have a healthy regard for the possible dangers of pressure canners.  Usually this ...

  10. National Rural Health Day

    comes to health services and healthy people. This year’s theme is Plug into the Power of Rural. When it ...
