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Sept. 12 Summit Tackles Providing 'Food for Billions'
in food processing, in distribution systems, in public policy-- even in the way people think about ...
Pigs Gone Wild Have Come to Ohio
two ways. They escaped from farms or hunting preserves. Or people released them illegally for hunting. ...
Western Agronomy Field Day is July 17
well and we expect a good year with an average summer weather pattern. So if people have things set up ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: South Dakota State University
are all headlines and it's become enormously popular in a state of 630. We have 800,000 people in ...
Study Abroad Programs: Preparing Global Citizens, Boosting Academics
education, but they can do the same for us. I am most excited to learn and take away what the people there ...
Christmas trees living large: A photo tour in Secrest Arboretum
in place of Norway spruce or Colorado blue spruce, which often are overused, he said. “People tend to ...
Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!
Marestail... if you frequent farm stores you've heard people talking about how hard it is to ...
Swine Virus Will Impact Production, Prices in 2014; Strict Bio-security Essential
understand and regulate the flow of traffic (people, supplies, maintenance crews and delivery equipment) in ...
Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium
Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture. Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, Department of Food and ...
Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines
but now people are looking at it more seriously,” he said. Applying gypsum to soil is one way to ...