
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Boost health with more fiber

    blood pressure and inflammation. A high-fiber diet can help prevent diabetes, and, in people who already ...

  2. Chow Line: Drink up: Choose water first for thirst

    sources, the average intake for children and adolescents falls short. Young people who drink more water ...

  3. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    people’s health. The Maumee watershed, which empties into the lake at Toledo, is the lake’s largest source ...

  4. Farm Science Review to Honor Individuals in 25th Hall of Fame Class

    Mike Haubner and the late DeLynn Kale. “The Farm Science Review is only as good as the people who have ...

  5. Water: the next generation’s oil? Robyn Wilson, a professor in our School of Environment and Natural Resources, studies how people ...

  6. Family Fundamentals: Help student heading to college set a budget

    National Endowment for Financial Education is a nonprofit organization designed to help young people and ...

  7. Chow Line: With kids, forget ‘weighty’ discussion

    with them about it. What’s the best approach? A lot of people get nervous about how to discuss weight ...

  8. Chow Line: Give thanks for great leftovers

    of people, who think they might be good for a week or longer. This year, refrigerate only the turkey ...

  9. Fragrant Madagascan Plant Holds Promise as a Mosquito Fighter

    repellents. Finding, tapping into plants that help people Rakotondraibe is an assistant professor in Ohio ...

  10. Grain Storage Project Launched at Farm Science Review

    9 billion people by 2050.” The Farm Science Review is known as the Midwest’s premier agricultural event and ...
