
Search results

  1. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership online

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...

  2. The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    of people of all genders. This 90-minute workshop will address why pronouns matter, the history of ...

  3. Flex Your Leadership Style

    others and realizing the impact of personal behavior on the people around you. DISCflex™ provides an ...

  4. Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    an affinity toward or prejudice against some people. We will explore how our socialization process ...

  5. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI) online

    people who differ from you.  Understanding your MBTI is self-affirming and encourages cooperation with ...

  6. Difficult Conversations: How to Communicate Across Difference

    is very different from you and didn't know how to approach it? Conversations between people with ...

  7. Welcome Lindsey Latscha- Franklin County's New Area Leader

    part of The Ohio State University, Extension seeks to create opportunities for people to explore how ...

  8. The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    of people of all genders. This 90-minute program will address why pronouns matter, the history of ...

  9. Problem-Solving, Teamwork and Creativity for Success online

    a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others ...

  10. The Dark Side of Leadership: How to Avoid Being a Toxic Leader online

    can ask ourselves how do we avoid becoming one? How may our actions effect the people around us? The ...
