
Search results

  1. What the Budget Impacts Mean for OSU Extension

    responds to the reopening of businesses and how effectively people respond to required Ohio Department of ...

  2. Return-to-Office Frequently Asked Questions

    people are seeing life/work balance and any additional support and training they might need. The survey ... method for people to leave items for office staff, if necessary.  Q: Are main campus and regional campus ... offices in those locations are seeing people return for a few days here and there, but they are not ...

  3. About OCVN

    people, agencies, or organizations.  To be removed from the listserv, send a message to:  ...

  4. Celebration of Juneteenth

    by speaking to people, policies, processes, and programs that shatter the status quo and lift up the ...

  5. Manage Your Money

    A five lesson series, two hours per class program designed to help people get control over their ...

  6. Thoughts from the Director

    grill, and talking longer walks in the sun. I am glad to know that more and more people are getting ...

  7. Thoughts from the Director

    for others. Do people know they can run ideas by you without being judged? Are you available for, and ...

  8. Budget Updates/Planning

    think about what is really necessary right now, and know that our ultimate goal is to keep our people ...

  9. Thoughts from the Director – COVID-19 Updates

    programming for educational events up to 100 people that cannot be accomplished virtually.  Per the ...

  10. Thoughts from the Director

    Extension warns against the faulty thinking that Extension professionals need to be all things to all people ...
