
Search results

  1. Ohio Military Kids: Going Strong in Year 15!

    Ohio Military Kids program, often recognized as OMK! Many people are familiar with OMK's weeklong ...

  2. Another good dairy cattle judging season at Ohio State ATI

    Sarah Quallen (Wilmington, OH), and Stephanie Wyatt (Hamilton, OH). Don Hange and Royce Thornton coached ... Holstein.     • Stephanie Wyatt: 10th in oral reasons; 5th in Guernsey; 10th in Holstein; and 10th in oral ...

  3. Ohio youth attend National 4-H Congress

    Allie Carter, 4-H member from Fairfield County, shared her experience. “It was great to meet people from ...

  4. Faces of Ohio

    the first people to be inducted into the Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame. Rinehart’s favorite 4-H memory ... experience I hope 4-H can offer in the future. I met so many people and built friendships that I still have ... he had in 4-H and the people he worked with, Rinehart learned skills he still uses to this day. “4-H ...

  5. Faces of Ohio 4-H: Dan and Tammy Joseph

    highlight one of these exceptional people in “Faces of Ohio 4-H.” In a special double feature, this month we ...

  6. 4-H leads to royal recognition

    pathology and audiology. “I want to work in the deaf community and help people reach their full potential.” ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Mental Health Month

    Thoughts Matter- 4-H Project Book YouTube Review What does mental health really mean? How many people are ...

  8. Safety Guidelines

      Safety Guidelines RElated to Covid-19   Masking   Vaccinated people are not required to mask ...

  9. Burpees for Vets challenge

    $11, film yourself doing burpees for 11 seconds and then challenge 3 other people.  Perhaps, either you ...

  10. 15th Annual Stinner Summit

    brainstorm ways to improve the health of Ohio’s land and people with support from the Ben Stinner Endowment ...
