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  1. Looking to stretch your food budget? These tips and recipes won't strain your wallet

    expensive, you might buy chicken. But now, chicken has gone up, in part probably because people have switched ...

  2. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Cooking School

    your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with ...

  3. Thoughts from Jackie

    Piatt Castle, and Indian Lake). Thank you to Stephanie Knight and Kathy Tutt for kicking the tour off ...

  4. H. Allen Klaiber

    microeconmetrics techniques to analyze these choices, consistent measures of the tradeoffs people are willing to ... recover consistent measures of the tradeoffs people are willing to make to alter their surroundings. This ...

  5. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2022 Summer Graduation

    and Technology, I have truly met some of the best people in this program. [Food Science] Graduate ... a great time to catch up with people in the department), the OSU football games (attending the OSU x Penn ... thankful for the people I’ve met in Parker in the past years, for helping me with research and for the ...

  6. FCS 2022 Generation Rx Summer Programs

    evidence-informed educational program that aims to educate people of all ages about safe medication-taking practices ... members have educated nearly 3 million people nationwide.  Using audience-specific toolkits (available ...

  7. Youth Discover Food Prep through Jr. Chefs Program

    young people wearing birthday hats as they went about the business of learning their way around the ...

  8. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2022 Spring Graduation

    favorite memory of Ohio State was meeting people from so many different places and learning about their ... goals and where they came from! The people I met are the ones that made my OSU experience AMAZING! ... – My favorite memory at Ohio State was getting to know so many people in my classes. Since most people ...

  9. Gary Graham Inducted into Maple Syrup Hall of Fame

    people per year are inducted into the Hall of Fame. Gary works in the Holmes County office of OSU ...

  10. Agriculture plays key role in limiting climate change

    people around the world can undertake to mitigate climate change,” said Sohngen, who has worked with the ... options and more ways for people to get involved in mitigating climate change that are within the realm of ... being cost effective,” Sohngen said. “Part of the reason why people are more optimistic about this ...
