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  1. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Texas A&M University

    then the other value of that is you can prerecord them and it's in a location where our people can ... and we put a lot of into that. As we've been able to put more stuff online, for people to get ... their continued education that way, we see less people coming through the doors of a building to attend ...

  2. Farmers Flocking to Meet the Demand for Lamb

    and parasites plagued flocks. But the renewed interest among people wanting to eat lamb has triggered ... of Sheep Day is people coming together and sharing about their flocks and the issues they face and ...

  3. Weebles Wobble

    are talking about people, families, lives.  People who have committed to building or carrying on ... a dairy farm business because they love cows and farming.  People who are providing jobs to other people ... and families.  So why talk about it?  Because it does involve people and what they have worked hard to ...

  4. Help for Injured or Aging Farmers

    University Extension’s Ohio AgrAbility program. The program offers free on-site assessments for people with ... and 21 at 10 a.m. Under the Ohio AgrAbility tent at the Review, people can see motorized doors for ... shock absorbers to prevent a bumpy ride. “People might think ‘I don’t have a disability. I don’t need to ...

  5. A Great Success!

    With over 300 attendees, the first Ohio Dairy Conference attracted considerably more people than ... people learned the dynamics of the U.S. dairy industry, the changes in eating and demand patterns of U.S. ...

  6. Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Carried Diseases on the Rise in Ohio

    population of blacklegged deer ticks was discovered in Coshocton County, the number of people infected with ... a freckle. “It is so tiny and it feeds so quickly that sometimes people go to the doctor with symptoms but ... but that hasn’t made people overly concerned about venturing into the forest, Rogers said. “I wouldn’t ...

  7. Fair Flu: It's Nothing to Sneeze At

    – from sneezes or coughs that release droplets. While most people recover easily from this influenza, ... those under 5, over 65, pregnant or immune-compromised are most at risk. These people should avoid pigs ... barn, exhibitors should not sleep in the barn. IAV-S does not affect meat safety or quality. People ...

  8. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    producers. About 550 people attend the Conference each year. ...

  9. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Northern Marianas College

    the olden days- as I've been told by people on the island- back when this island was under the ... environmental sizes, so this kids-- you're trying to teach this young people the value of our natural ... production side, but more on the education side for young people." I said, "Absolutely." The ...

  10. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    highest rate of suicide, 84.5 deaths per 100,000 people. The CDC report cites possible explanations ... areas, people have limited, if any options, for healthcare, particularly mental health professionals. ... and opioid abuse.  One of the hurdles in getting people help is the self-reliant nature of farmers. ...
