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The Ohio State University Among Peace Corps’ 2017 Top Volunteer-Producing Colleges & Universities
clubs, and jobs on campus taught me the value of understanding other people's world views, of ... over for lunch, or a neighbor who introduces me as their daughter, I am surrounded by people who care ...
Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health
at the University of Gondar but the people as a whole. One of the most important words that we ... learned was “Amasaganalo” which means thank you. Even in the poorer areas people were so positive and ... colorful designs. The number of people walking around effortlessly carrying giant baskets on their heads ...
FERT/PAT Recertification
UPDATE- Fertilizer and Pesticide Re-certification Meeting originally scheduled for March 16th from 5- 9 pm is CANCELLED. We are working with the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture to determine next steps and will be in contact with local growers still in need of r ...
Livestock Quality Assurance
4-H Camperships Due
Dog Kick-Off
Food & Clothing Workshop
Ohio State Fair Scholarships Due
Final 4-H Enrollment Due
4-H Advisory Council Meeting