
Search results

  1. 'More Beef for Less Money' Highlight of Field Day

    winter feeding method available.” Some 50 people, mainly farmers and soil and water conservation ...

  2. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    knowing that so many others who have received it are people I've admired through the years." ...

  3. Communiqué November 7, 2012

    how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick test is to observe the way people react to ... you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? Do they want to talk to you? Or do they ...

  4. Communiqué October 23, 2013

    safety is another example where clarity is important. People want to know where their food comes from and ... Brand Doctors are IN Communications will be offering online branding workshops to help people in the ...

  5. Communiqué February 19, 2014

    engaging people and methodologies from arts, humanities, and design fields. They will also contribute to ... opportunities for people to come together to address public problems and express and pursue their hopes and ... OSU Extension and its affiliates conduct are open to all people, and registration materials should ...

  6. Sentinel Plots to Aid in Soybean Rust Detection

    everyday. Extension needs people who are dedicated enough to get out and check their fields." ...

  7. Ohio State Leads Nation in Animal Welfare Education

    Ohio's swine and dairy industries. "The programs target the behaviors and attitudes of people ...

  8. Livestock Manure a Winner As Alternative Spring Crop Fertilizer

    willing to embrace new technology and improve their management practices because of it. "People look ...

  9. Don't Let Slugs Rule the Roost in No-Till Fields

    Research and Development Center (OARDC). "Slugs have caused people to abandon no-till practices in ...

  10. Take Steps to Control Ornamental Plant Diseases

    help control it." Chatfield said the best thing people can do to control for any plant disease is ...
