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Faces of Ohio
the opportunity to experience other cultures, hear the perspectives of different people, and use those ...
Workshop held on Growing Organic Crops in Ukraine
soil health and water quality. Ukraine has the land, water, technology, and motivated people to ...
Faces of Ohio 4-H
people. A senior at the University of Dayton studying environmental biology, she used the skills gained in ... by creating a lasting impact on people and animals. ...
Outstanding 4-H Members Recognized
On May 28, more than 180 people gathered virtually for the 2020 Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards. These ...
Calendar of events
cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members ...
Faces of Ohio
people to join and support 4-H. All of my 4-H experiences led to the honor of being selected as the 1986 ... a difference in people’s lives. I want all 4-H members to live life to the fullest and strive to make ...
Dawn of a New Career
helping people. She can fly your aircraft, rescue you from a burning building, or save you from drowning. ...
Faces of Ohio 4-H
Jamie Egler. My story is like so many other people's story. I was extremely shy and insecure ... as a youth in 4-H and now I train groups of people that equal 3000-4000 people a year in ...
Digital Engagement Toolkit
these days, it’s safe to say that most people are using at least one social platform. When considering ...
2020 a busy year for SWBR
“Climate-Smart Organic Grains for Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, and Healthy People,” and another titled ... “Climate-Smart Organic Vegetables for Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, and Healthy People.” Islam delivered two ... the land, water, technology, and motivated people to achieve these objectives, it just needs to remove ...