
Search results

  1. National Day of Racial Healing

    bring ALL people together in their common humanity and inspire collective action to create a more just ...

  2. Reception Honors Newest Members of Honorary 100

    resources, people and communities. As EPN Director, David coordinated over 65 monthly EPN breakfasts and ...

  3. SENR Announcements, July 8

    network structures in the face of global change. People and Nature 2022. ...

  4. SENR Announcements, December 2

    people often think it’s all about animals and landscapes, but I recommend taking social science courses ... and learning how to interact with people because our work now is all about people. Yes, you still work ... Environment |  Learn More   Feb. 5- Aug. 7:  Exhibit: Protecting Plants, People, and the World: Celebrating Ohio ...

  5. Undergraduate Research Spotlight: Katherine Oriyo

    summer, I had two people (a first-year graduate student and an instructional aide of the school) helping ... especially during these times. Being able to coordinate with other people, even those with the same ... of the experiment. Doing research work requires a lot of trial and error and it’s why having people ...

  6. Upcoming Training

    management.  This includes how to create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's ... events, people and more.  This training is only for the following websites. ACEL: Department of ... items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It is required that anyone who ...

  7. Undergraduate Research Spotlight: Alisa Mancini

    people and ensuring my project stayed on track.  What advice would you give to someone who is hoping to ... all faculty will be able to accept undergrads, but the more people you connect with, the better chance ...

  8. Job Search Resources: Environmental Organizations

    protecting wild places, empowering local people, and putting science and technology to work is shaped by the ... people and land in the Amazon American Rivers American Rivers protects wild rivers, restores damaged ... rivers, and conserved clean water for people and nature. Appalachian Trail Conservancy An organization ...

  9. Alumni Career Spotlight: Gwen Kolb

    to people on the phone. It’s a constant, moving challenge and I haven’t done anything else for the ... the way I like it. In terms of travel, I’ve been able to see places in New Mexico that most people ... the USFWS existed, because the opportunities for people of color aren’t as widely spread. I am a Black woman and I was ...

  10. Classes from August 31, 2021 through December 2021

    create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who ... items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It is required that anyone who ...
