
Search results

  1. On The Road With The Sustainable World Tour

    a great year for living a biobased lifestyle and we hope that we've encouraged a few people during ...

  2. Paying it Forward with OSU Extension

    times of need. “Caring for people is a big part of who I am,” Maketia said. “Even though I tried to ...

  3. March Newsletter

    a medical emergency, auto repair, or job loss. By teaching people effective strategies to accumulate assets ... connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. We work with families and ...

  4. Kottman Hall Renovation

    the building. During this activity the people who have offices with windows will be moved to other ...

  5. Biodiversity, Nature, and Natural History Links

    organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity) Ohio TNC (protects Ohio’s land, ... (advances preservation of natural diversity; inform, unite, support people who identify, protect, manage, ... public lands/natural legacy) Ohio Lepidopterists (people interested in butterflies, skippers, moths; ...

  6. 50th Anniversary Celebration and the Annual EECO Conference

    knowledge, ideas, engagement, and to bring people together to learn and grow in our natural world. Conference ...

  7. Wildlife- Biodiversity, Nature and Natural History Links

    organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity) Ohio TNC (protects Ohio’s land, ... (advances preservation of natural diversity; inform, unite, support people who identify, protect, manage, ... public lands/natural legacy) Ohio Lepidopterists (people interested in butterflies, skippers, moths; ...

  8. Water Quality, Watersheds, and Streams and Lakes Links

      Air   Plants & Animals   Energy   Climate Change   People; data rich programs:  Snow and Water ... Environment Federation (“The Water Quality People”) (info for public/K-12; training/online/conferences; ... Conservancy (U.S.-based global organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity) ...

  9. October Newsletter

    Farmer Workshop Series   Franklin County Extension connects with people in all stages of life, from young ...

  10. Drupal 7 Department Training

    and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who have ...
