
Search results

  1. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Linking Measured Values to Crop Management

    relatively straightforward to measure and are readily available. However, few people appear to be familiar ... contributions of Stephanie Short and Danae Wolfe in the development of this fact sheet are appreciated. ...

  2. Fiber Fills You Up, Fills your Wallet, and Fuels Your Health

    the absorption of glucose which can help people with diabetes. Foods high in soluble fiber include oat ... restrictive diets fail in the long term mainly because people get tired of eating the same foods over and ...

  3. Teaching Children to Resolve Conflict

    unaware of how their behavior affects other people, except when another person interferes with their ...

  4. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    A lot of people might not think about the environment beneath the ground, but it can have a huge ...

  5. Tree Pruning, Trimming, and Felling Safety for Trainers and Supervisors

    people. Have a co-worker assist in controlling movement of falling branches. Stay at least 10 feet away ... people.     T     F 5. Safety observers do not need to wear protective clothing.     T     F Farm ...

  6. Stress Management for Trainers and Supervisors

    unwanted stress. One way to manage stress is to talk to other people. This support might come from family, ... breakfast should include protein plus fresh fruit and vegetables. Hunger can make people less able to cope ...

  7. Using Hay Harvesting Equipment Safely

    bale-throwing frames. Since those mechanisms can throw heavy bales of hay, they can seriously injure people ... wagon is a good place for people to ride.   T F 4. To hitch or unhitch a wagon behind an ejector, the ...

  8. Managing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    ready for action. People who are stressed all the time secrete a hormone called cortisol that raises ...

  9. First Grade: Setting Limits with Your Children

        Something people use to decorate their homes     Something not on this list     Source: Miller, R. (November ...

  10. Protecting Against Noise

    a problem if you hear ringing or other noises in your ears, have a hard time hearing people when they talk ... a sign of gradual hearing loss. Noise is defined as sounds people prefer not to hear. Noise is especially ...
