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Giving shoppers a nudge to forgo plastic bags
guide people in a certain direction but not restrict their options. And to count as a nudge, an ... last? I think for all nudges, there is a decay effect because people get used to it in daily life. But ... people who were buying lots of items say they wished they didn’t have to use a bag,” Hu said. “It might ...
Get Assistance in the Learning Lab!
having your classes online. I understand this time can be hard for some people and I am here to help! ...
Irwin selected as 2022 AERE Fellow
Irwin is not only one of the most talented, hardworking people I know, she is also one of the most ...
Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Endowment
future of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills through ...
Calendar of events
shouldn't we be striving to treat all people equally? What does it mean to be inclusive? How do all of these ...
Fall Bird Walk with Austin Langdon
Research shows that people that hang out with birds experience an upswing in their general mood. ...
Ukraine: The breadbasket of Europe
a significant effect on global food prices and hence food security. The G7 countries predict 43 million people ...
Free Happiness 101 Webinar
about happy people, and ways to increase your own happiness. Register at: (and ...
Remember Ohio 4-H in your end-of-year giving
ignite the spark that kindles experience, service, and knowledge among youth each and every day. People ...
Main Street Wooster Presents: Ancestral Returns vis DNA
and the Ewe people. He arranged an Ancestral Return to Frankadua, in the Eastern Region Ghana, where ...