
Search results

  1. Defying the Laws of Nature

    people in the state had permits allowing them to sell seafood. Any advances in farming that make it ...

  2. Container Fruit Production May Have Good Potential in Ohio

    people before we decided on the specifics of our container fruit production plot. We toured Dr. Altland’s ...

  3. New Year’s Resolution

    years when ancient people crowned new kings, shared gifts with the hope of a prosperous year or renewed ...

  4. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ...

  5. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    in Butler County.  I recommend that new 4-H families should feel free to contact various people and ... people in 4-H: *  Experience greater educational achievements *  Have greater motivation and aspirations ...

  6. The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon Contracts with the University of Rio Grande

    ranging from interviewing people from small businesses, personnel from business support organizations, ...   Wednesday, 1:00 to 1:30 p.m.     Business Talk – Focuses on people from different small businesses; personnel ...

  7. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. More than 500 people contributed ideas in ...

  8. 10 Myths about Bedbugs that are Just Crawling with Foolishness

    is that people get bedbugs because of their home’s uncleanliness.  That that’s completely wrong,” ... depending on construction elements.  They also move about by hitchhiking in people’s belongings or ...

  9. Collaboration between The Ohio State University South Centers and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Rafiq Islam and Wayne Lewis visited the Peoples Republic of China at the invitation of the Chinese ...

  10. Public Speaking and 4-H

    It is no secret that most people have a great fear of public speaking.  Most people would say ...
