
Search results

  1. Shannon Carter

    Fairfield County. She is passionate about helping people “live smart” by sharing research-based information ...

  2. Alex Incarnato

    and people you get to work with! Fun Fact:  I used to show chickens through 4-H and FFA. In one ...

  3. Olivia Coppler

    OH What's your favorite thing about Ohio State?  Getting to meet people from across the world ...

  4. Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop Online Version

    ways in which to view interactions with people different from themselves.The online workshop is taking ...

  5. Student Stories

                                                                                      A: I learned how to fill out various applications, communicate with a variety of people across ... a small town, and that agriculture is a global endeavor that impacts billions of people from a variety of ...

  6. It’s Time to Break Down the Stigma

    happening. When you live where you work the stress often never leaves a person’s mind. Unfortunately, people ...

  7. MGV Project Reports and Information

    Sigmon July 2020 Berry Patch Report The International Harvest Garden: The People, Plant, and Practices ...

  8. Emilia G. Sgambati

    profession, and comfort interfacing with other people as a professional. In addition to her studies, work, and ...

  9. Mary L. Buehler

    celebration events. Mary’s life’s mission is to connect people to the resources they need, specifically within ...

  10. Isaac H. Knowles

    a question, he is one of the first people he consults. Mr. Ralston has been his lab supervisor for two years, ...
