
Search results

  1. NCR-SARE announces 2023 Call for Research and Education Preproposals

    a collection of producers, university representatives, nonprofit group interests, Extension and NRCS people ...

  2. Morgan Meyer

    meet new people and take part in exciting events throughout college. What are you looking forward to ...

  3. Wooster Science Café- Pandemics: A Cross-Disciplinary Consideration

    Consideration ” Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 7-8pm Madonna Hettinger (History), Stephanie Strand (Biology), and ...

  4. Live Online DiSC Training

    to help you identify your work style and offers insight for how to work best with people of other ...

  5. Agriculture plays key role in limiting climate change

    people around the world can undertake to mitigate climate change,” said Sohngen, who has worked with the ... options and more ways for people to get involved in mitigating climate change that are within the realm of ... being cost effective,” Sohngen said. “Part of the reason why people are more optimistic about this ...

  6. Congratulations, Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team!

    All-American.  Team members are Lauren Almasy, Aaron Hand, Megan McCoy, Kylie McLean, Brennan Topp, and Stephanie ... Kylie McLean – 3 rd  individual; Lauren Almasy – 8 th  individual; Stephanie Wyatt – 9 th  individual; ... Kylie McLean – 9 th  individual; Stephanie Wyatt – 10 th  individual ·Ayrshire breed:  3 rd  place team; ...

  7. Supervisor's Toolbox

    Time & Priorities · Dealing with Difficult People & Conflict Resolution Building Positive & ... Who:  Front line supervisors, lead people, those new to supervision and those with minimal experience or ...

  8. Wooster Buckeye Wellness Innovators summer foods event

    first 25 people. If you are part of the 25, please find your own substitute if you are unable to attend ...

  9. Sheriden Schuerman

    Fun Fact: People think I'm Canadian because apparently, I talk with a very northern accent.    In ...

  10. Where are the workers at the end of 2021? An agricultural and food sector employment update

    either pushing people out of employment in this sector or that are pulling people towards alternative ...
