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  1. Get Used to High Natural Gas Prices

    spring that don’t come down like we would expect them to, people do begin to become worried,” said ...

  2. 4-H Founder Park, Statue Dedicated

    90,000 clubs and 7 million young people participating worldwide. Bobby Moser, vice president and dean of ...

  3. New Ohio Tax Good for Economy, Economists Say

    possible that with the reduced personal income tax, these people could actually see their Ohio taxes go ...

  4. Safety First on the Farm

    citizens. "It's important that young people and the older population be a part of the ...

  5. Summit Launches Renewable Energy Focus in Ohio

    it," said Roberts. "There are a lot of people who believe that renewable energy matters. In their ...

  6. Renewable Energy a Topic at Conservation Tillage Conference

    people who believe that renewable energy matters. In their eyes, production of energy with fossil fuels ...

  7. 'More Beef for Less Money' Highlight of Field Day

    winter feeding method available.” Some 50 people, mainly farmers and soil and water conservation ...

  8. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    knowing that so many others who have received it are people I've admired through the years." ...

  9. Your Pond Update Spring 2014

    higher trophic levels, including the game fishes that people value.  If some percentage of energy is ...

  10. Sentinel Plots to Aid in Soybean Rust Detection

    everyday. Extension needs people who are dedicated enough to get out and check their fields." ...
