
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-03

    Counties. Producers and industry people alike will gain valuable information to make their production ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-38

    reduces sun exposure. We received a number of comments from people interested in purchasing one. Now is ...

  3. CD Wire- June 17, 2014

    we had 12 people involved in 6 of the 31 sessions (including two posters) over the three days. I know ... providing people with affordable choices for accessing those amenities, such as walking, biking or taking ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-28

    date, they will begin showing up in people’s homes and apartments in large number to try to overwinter ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-21

    annual broadleaf weeds, a few biennials, and some shallow rooted simple perennials (Table 1). More people ... worried about wild garlic than about Canada thistle. As tractor powered equipment increased, people begin ...

  6. Sentinel Plots to Aid in Soybean Rust Detection

    everyday. Extension needs people who are dedicated enough to get out and check their fields." ...

  7. Ohio State Leads Nation in Animal Welfare Education

    Ohio's swine and dairy industries. "The programs target the behaviors and attitudes of people ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-10

    neighboring building inhabited by people, such as homes, stores, restaurants, schools, etc. When can you burn? ... monitoring—it requires harm.  Where an open burn causes harm to people or property, civil liability may arise.  ...

  9. Livestock Manure a Winner As Alternative Spring Crop Fertilizer

    willing to embrace new technology and improve their management practices because of it. "People look ...

  10. Don't Let Slugs Rule the Roost in No-Till Fields

    Research and Development Center (OARDC). "Slugs have caused people to abandon no-till practices in ...
