
Search results

  1. Study: An Apple a Day Lowers Level of Blood Chemical Linked to Hardening of the Arteries

    four weeks.”     The difference was similar to that found between people with normal coronary arteries ... used in the study, or for people who just never eat apples." The study also found eating apples ...

  2. Public Invited to Stinner Summit: Chance to Plan New Sustainability Projects

    Environmental Sciences. “The Stinner Summit is a unique and highly participatory event where people from diverse ...

  3. Event to Explore Why We Need Healthy Rivers

    water to more than 5 million people in six states including Ohio, the Ohio River Foundation  says. But ...

  4. Open Food Trade, Safety Nets Crucial to Global Food Security: Ohio State Economist

    provides cheap food grains to 850 million people — can interfere with free food trade and impact ... is defined as “the state in which people at all times have physical, social and economic access to ...

  5. Dean Announces $1 Million Water Quality Initiative

    administration and dean for the college, speaking to a crowd of 700 people at the Review’s opening day lunch. ...

  6. Live Smart, Post Photo, Win Chance at Ohio State Football Tickets

    is crucial to people right now,” said Seger, who is an educational technology specialist for FCS. ...

  7. Chow Line: Eating More Vegetables, Lean Proteins Could Help With Fertility

    on the ability to conceive. The issue is significant for many people considering that some 10 percent ...

  8. Ohio Compost Operator Short Course Set for March 8-9

    with the Organics Recycling Association of Ohio, is for people who work at or with large-scale ...

  9. Chow Line: Meat vs. ‘Meat?’

    ‘clean’ as some people feel that this product is better for the environment and that the manufacturing of ...

  10. Everything you need to know about the farm bill in one summit

    changes in the new farm bill and the implications for the state’s farmers. “We want people to know what ...
