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  1. In The News Overview: What does mental health really mean? How many people are affected by mental health ...

  2. Wiser on Wednesdays: Resilient Leadership – June 23

    may have felt like you were on top of the world, and other days not so much. Luckily, people tend to ...

  3. Strategic Alignment Update: 2021 OSU Extension Fall Road Shows Announced

    improve our partnerships, programs, products, processes, and support for our people and those we serve. ...

  4. CFAES DEI Monthly Newsletter

    colleagues who are working to make CFAES and the community a welcoming place for all people. If you would ...

  5. Side Effects of Singulair/Montelukast

    drug is currently prescribed to over 35 million people in the United States. Since last March, the ... more people about the potential side effects in children, youth, and adults. Educational Resources: ...

  6. Embodying Anti-Racism Virtual Workshop – Oct. 21 @ 12pm or 6pm

    white people can show up grounded and effective for racial justice. You will learn how to identify ...

  7. CDA Gold Standard

    Extension FCS helps people improve their lives and strengthen their communities. We serve thousands of ... people throughout Ohio every year, delivering high quality education programs developed from ... evidence-based research that focuses on building healthy people, healthy finances and healthy relationships. It ...

  8. Food Allergies

    cases, people can experience  anaphylaxis  (pronounced an-uh-fil-LAX-is), which is a serious allergic ... food allergy reactions. There is no cure for food allergies. People with food allergies must avoid the ...

  9. Ohio ESP- Alpha Eta Chapter

    tenure. He received responses from 350 Extension workers. He stated: "this group of people had found ...

  10. Levy County Success at the Polls

    we might be if we had to depend on a vote of the people for our budgets. Who knows us? How satisfied ...
