
Search results

  1. Get Assistance in the Learning Lab!

    having your classes online. I understand this time can be hard for some people and I am here to help! ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Endowment

    future of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills through ...

  3. Calendar of events

    shouldn't we be striving to treat all people equally? What does it mean to be inclusive? How do all of these ...

  4. A successful season for the Ohio State ATI Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Team

    Thornton, the dairy judging team coach. “I don’t know if there’s very many people that can say they went as ...

  5. Main Street Wooster Presents: Ancestral Returns vis DNA

    and the Ewe people. He arranged an Ancestral Return to Frankadua, in the Eastern Region Ghana, where ...

  6. Remember Ohio 4-H in your end-of-year giving

    ignite the spark that kindles experience, service, and knowledge among youth each and every day. People ...

  7. Student Leadership Council (SLC) 1st Meeting/Info Session

    Great way to meet people, develop your leadership skills, and leave your mark at ATI! Join Zoom Meeting ...

  8. Ohio Military Kids: Going Strong in Year 15!

    Ohio Military Kids program, often recognized as OMK! Many people are familiar with OMK's weeklong ...

  9. Can Animals Spread Disease to Humans?

    traveling or enjoying some outdoor activities, many people might encounter animals in either an urban or ... rural setting. Animals provide many benefits to people such as food, fiber, travel, sport, ... companionship, and education. However, animals can sometimes carry harmful pathogens that can spread to people ...

  10. Meet the Mentors

    I dont want people to feel that way coming somewhere new.    josie armstrong  Class Rank:  Junior Major: ...
