
Search results

  1. Shared Harvest at Solid Rock Apostolic Church

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  2. Shared Harvest at Ansonia Local Schools

    the appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  3. Shared Harvest at Radiant Lighthouse

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  4. “Strong @ Heart” Email Wellness Challenge

    Heart disease is the number one cause of death for people in the United States. This fact does not ...

  5. April Shared Harvest Dates, Times and Locations

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  6. 2011 Hall of Fame Student Awards

    Outstanding Senior: Stephanie Neal G. R. Johnson Award, High grade point in Animal Science: ...

  7. Awards

    2007 Sarah Wells 2008 Elizabeth Homerosky 2009 Jessica F. Smith 2010 Luke A. Morrow 2011 Stephanie M. ...

  8. Buckeye Royal 2020

    many planning challenges and unexpected roadblocks along the way, but ended the event with 41 people ...

  9. Solid Rock Apostolic Church Shared Harvest Food Distribution

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  10. Ansonia Local Schools and OSU Extension to host drive-thru food distribution

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...
