
Search results

  1. Speaker Information

    models.  Her mission is to teach people to be wise about screen use by learning to: “Be Aware, Protect, ... lives, and she works to get people involved in the Gem City Market and other cooperative projects.  Kenya ...

  2. Dan Remley Receives Priester Award

    of people across the United States and provide leadership to expand Extension’s capacity to increase ...

  3. Ohio Saves

    initiative to help all people focus on saving money, reducing debt, and building wealth over time. Launched ...

  4. COVID-19- A Financial Resource Guide

    Protection For people who are facing financial uncertainty during this time, the Consumer Financial ...

  5. Dean Achterberg

    Dean Cheryl Achterberg's presentation How To Teach People To Be Good Consumers of Information ...

  6. Foodborne Pathogens

    which people handle and prepare food is a major reason why foodborne illness occurs.  People must alter ...

  7. Breakout Session Descriptions

    bias and other less positive ways that some people respond to persons from diverse backgrounds. Next, ... intake lowers blood pressure, with greater effects among people with hypertension (CDC, 2017).      There ... Ambassador activities that promote cultural competency. The Beneath the Iceberg activity helps people become ...

  8. Financial Resources

    Protection For people who are facing financial uncertainty during this time, the Consumer Financial ...

  9. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    physical activity in people of all ages and reverse the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in order to ...

  10. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    physical activity in people of all ages and reverse the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in order to ...
