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What The Emergence of Social Media Can Teach Us About the Future of the Bioeconomy
satisfy the growing job market. Ohio’s manufacturing industry already employs 691,800 people, according to ... positions develop in the agricultural industry, and more people will be producing biomass than ever before. ...
Farmers Flocking to Meet the Demand for Lamb
and parasites plagued flocks. But the renewed interest among people wanting to eat lamb has triggered ... of Sheep Day is people coming together and sharing about their flocks and the issues they face and ...
How to grow grass even greener
partner, OSU Extension. “People in the industry really want to do things the best way possible — the most ... environmentally sound way,” he said. “This is one of the ways OLCA helps them do it.” “People in the industry ... for people, water, bees Included in the program were talks on how to protect honey bees, how to help ...
Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Darke & Allen County
With our Sustainable World Tour van next to our table, we had a steady flow of people stop by, and ask ...
Drift Workshop
lunch and coffee provided. Participation is limited to 25 people, so register today by contacting Roger ...
Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment
Speakers and panelists will break the day into four sessions, as we work to better understand the concept of sustainability in Ohio and how it applies to the management of our landscape from a broad set of perspectives.The morning session will feature thr ...
Environmental Quality
people are goals of The Ohio State University. Ohio State works on what Teddy Roosevelt called “the great ...
Helping Farmers Out of Depression
highest rate of suicide, 84.5 deaths per 100,000 people. The CDC report cites possible explanations ... areas, people have limited, if any options, for healthcare, particularly mental health professionals. ... and opioid abuse. One of the hurdles in getting people help is the self-reliant nature of farmers. ...
Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour
operation works for the farm and family. The sharing of ideas is how we all learn. Resource people for the ... to the first 40 people. Thanks to financial sponsorship from the Ohio Forage and Grassland Council, ...
Dicamba Complaints Slowly Filtering In
four times as many instances of harm because people are reluctant to report their neighbors, said Mark ... “The sense I get from people here is, ‘This is not acceptable.’ What’s not acceptable is this movement ... plants or wildlife or if pesticides are getting in the water,” Beal said. “We want people to call us.” ...