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  1. Handprinter Presentation and Discussion: A Tool to Improve Sustainability Literacy at Ohio State

    technologies that enable people around the world to drive sustainable development “from the bottom ... up.” One project he developed, Handprinter, helps people understand their footprints and then to ...

  2. About Us

    Extension's Mission Engaging people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based ...

  3. FAQs Online Courses

    already taken the course! We've had people from 24 states take the course. What is the course about? ... busy people. Sometimes you are not able to make it to classes that are in other counties, etc. This ...

  4. Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith

    and P. Nowak. 2014. “People, place, behavior and context: A research agenda for expanding our ...

  5. Ohio State to Conduct Wide Range of Shale-Related Research

    five times saltier than the ocean. People overlook salt, but salt on land is very, very damaging. What ... but now are looking at broader environmental impacts of shale. A lot of people are very interested in ...

  6. Time, Space, and Access to Healthy Foods

    com/neighborhoods/2013/02/ what-food-desert-maps-get- wrong-about-how-people-eat/ 4741/. More information about the talk can ...

  7. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field

    that line up like a spine. Magnets in bacteria? Brian Lower stumps a lot of people when he first ...

  8. Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative

    growing population of 50 million people live on less than $1.25 a day. Malnutrition stunts the growth of ...

  9. Ohio State Study: What Happens to a River When a Dam Comes Down?

    whether changes due to nature or people. By combining their different disciplines, they hope to see the ...

  10. Linking Land Use and the Economy: Our Land, Our Water, Our Future

    said. "We want to provide an outside perspective to educate people about the different land use ... to be used to enhance the quality of life for their people."  Other topics to be covered ...
