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Communiqué September 11, 2013
problem: How do we say “no” without hurting people’s feelings? Obviously whoever asks us to chair the ... how can we do it graciously? As You Turn People Down, Build Them Up If someone asks you to donate your ... emotional effectiveness as well as effective coaching (how we take good people and make them the best they ...
Key Factors to Success
get there. People love to be led by someone who has their act together. At a dairy seminar, ...
February is Heart Disease Awareness Month
preventing heart disease. Stress makes the heart beat faster to get ready for action. People who are stressed ...
Communiqué November 21, 2012
a commitment to a client, people tend to be more rigid. But when it comes to a family commitment, they tend to ... to justify breaking those commitments more easily. However, commitments to people at home, I believe ... symbol of your honor. Above all traits, don’t we respect people that possess honor? Back to Top OSUE ...
Ohio State Study: What Happens to a River When a Dam Comes Down?
whether changes due to nature or people. By combining their different disciplines, they hope to see the ...
Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative
growing population of 50 million people live on less than $1.25 a day. Malnutrition stunts the growth of ...
Tax Advantaged Retirement Planning
people do not put enough money aside for retirement. Furthermore, with life expectancies increasing, the ...
Farm Transition Considerations: Working with an Attorney
information about the organization of the business, and Organizational chart or diagram of the people ...
Recommendations for Special Needs Facilities
should also be given to cattle movement, people movement, vehicles and equipment, feedstuffs, birds, ... should have appropriate signage to alert and remind people of the dairy’s policies and a drawing ... diseases. Veterinarians, hoof trimmers, service persons, sales people and any other visitors to the dairy ...
Managing the Work Schedule for Personnel in Large Dairy Herds
not directly involve the herd or the farm, it is people! Managing and coordinating the work schedule ... least an eight-hour rest. A dairy farm, by definition, requires people to work extended and unusual ...