
Search results

  1. Ohio State Research: Fat in Avocado Helps Body Absorb, Convert Vitamin A Nutrients

    Mexico and India, she said, have the proper climate to grow avocadoes. People can get vitamin A directly ... team recruited two dozen healthy people to eat test meals and have their blood tested during two ...

  2. Device Ready: Managing Your On-line Presence External Links

    people use mobile devices, visit: comScore (2012). The Annual Local Search Usage Study Pew Research, ...

  3. Chow Line: Why Is Corned Beef Pink?

    according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service. While many people think ...

  4. Winners Named in OARDC Research Poster Competition

    bodies or parts of the bodies of people and animals. The full conference agenda can be seen at ...

  5. Ohio State Leads Effort to Prep Students for Biobased Careers

    bioeconomy industry will need highly educated young people with excellent skills to work effectively in ...

  6. Ohio State Guide to Weed Identification Available for Growers

    tools that are necessary to successfully identify plants.” People who find a weed in their field or ...

  7. How Biobased Industry Can Take the Next Step: March 16 Workshop in Wooster

    people in the ethanol, biodiesel and transportation industries, Shah said. “The potential of agricultural ...

  8. CFAES Researcher Part of New Project Studying Conservation Incentives, Farming Practices

    people rely on the Great Lakes for tourism, drinking water, business and more. Wilson will compile survey ...

  9. Health study to look for links between disease, land formation

    pollutants into groundwater, making people sick. That’s something the Ohio Department of Health will study in ...

  10. New Mentorship Program for Women Engineering Students ‘Very Valuable, Much Needed’

    people in place. “It happens very quickly,” Kaletunc said. “About 40 percent of the women leave ... you want to be CEO, it will affect how you network, the people you seek out as mentors and the ...
