
Search results

  1. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ...

  2. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field

    that line up like a spine. Magnets in bacteria? Brian Lower stumps a lot of people when he first ...

  3. Sample of Course Content

    and history. Yet, very few people know much about plants, food, or the pathogens we fight every day ... wheat bread were found in the homes and were sent to Marseilles for analysis." "The people and ... was inflicting mass poisoning on the people for obscure political reasons. Others accused the villiage ...

  4. Ohio State to Conduct Wide Range of Shale-Related Research

    five times saltier than the ocean. People overlook salt, but salt on land is very, very damaging. What ... but now are looking at broader environmental impacts of shale. A lot of people are very interested in ...

  5. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. More than 500 people contributed ideas in ...

  6. Ohio State Study: What Happens to a River When a Dam Comes Down?

    whether changes due to nature or people. By combining their different disciplines, they hope to see the ...

  7. NOAA, Partners Predict Significant Summer Harmful Algal Bloom for Western Lake Erie

    studying whether algal bloom toxins are getting into the fish people eat; and developing improved, ...

  8. Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative

    growing population of 50 million people live on less than $1.25 a day. Malnutrition stunts the growth of ...

  9. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Oct. 3

    “Climate Change: Glaciers, People and Options.” Web-based seminar, noon to 1 p.m. Speaker is Lonnie ...

  10. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of March 21

    Wooster. Program for people who work at or with commercial-scale composting facilities. Registration closed ...
