
Search results

  1. Ohio State Improving Water Quality, One Farm at a Time

    and farmers to get the information in the hands of people who can use it to improve things.” Field to ...

  2. Study: Most Farmers Willing to Take More Steps to Improve Water Quality

    beliefs of people who contribute to and are most impacted by environmental issues. The Western Basin of ...

  3. Student Team Rests Easy with ‘TranquiliBee’ Entry in National Competition

    effect. But there are many established studies that show these two compounds help people with relaxation. ...

  4. News Tips and Events

    Ohio State University Extension’s efforts to connect people with helpful mental health resources. For ...

  5. Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities

    program is teaching people how to farm in the city. They are creating jobs and revitalizing neighborhoods. ...

  6. Family Fundamentals: Establish routines to ease back into school schedule (August 2013)

    adhering to a new day-to-day routine at first, young people need such structure. If they know what’s next ...

  7. Sept. 12 Summit Tackles Providing 'Food for Billions'

    in food processing, in distribution systems, in public policy-- even in the way people think about ...

  8. Food Safety: What You Can’t See Or Smell May Be Harmful

    spores that release a toxin, making people sick.  Nationwide, 160 cases of botulism and one related death ...

  9. Pigs Gone Wild Have Come to Ohio

    two ways. They escaped from farms or hunting preserves. Or people released them illegally for hunting. ...

  10. Western Agronomy Field Day is July 17

    well and we expect a good year with an average summer weather pattern. So if people have things set up ...
