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Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair Student Winners Announced
Elementary. Second place, Aubrey Farnsworth, Melrose Elementary. Third place, Stephanie Ecker, Melrose ...
Mental Health First Aid
a 5-step action plan to offer initial help to young people showing signs of a mental illness or in a crisis ...
Online Challenge Can Help 'Kick Off the Pounds'
"It's the end of summer and people are getting back into a routine," Treber said. "It's ... good timing to encourage people to adopt new, healthy habits and really incorporate them into daily ... life." To sign up, contact Treber at or 740-474-7534 by Aug. 21. "People who sign ...
Meet Daniela Miteva, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Development and Economy
poverty, make people healthier, happier and wealthier – but I’m also concerned with how we can preserve the ... use change: valuing the benefits people get from the natural environment and trying to figure out if ... we are producing socially optimal levels of these services and how to incentivize people to produce ...
Chow Line: Limit sodium, boost potassium for health (1/6/12)
people know that too much sodium is associated with high blood pressure. Although that’s true only for ... people who are salt-sensitive-- estimated at about 10 percent of the population-- recent research has ... time, people who ate a diet high in sodium and low in potassium had about a 50 percent increased risk of ...
The Gender Pay Gap in Academia: Evidence from The Ohio State University
be the result of implicit or explicit bias.” Chen furthers that even being able to convince people ...
Trip to USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum Yields Plan for Future
people in probably two-thirds of U.S. states,” said Zwick as she patted the pile of business cards on the ... table. “Through my internships, conferences, and LinkedIn, I’ve been able to connect with people from all ...
Information Links
Healthy Eating on a Budget What's Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl Spark People: Sparking People to Live ...
Algal Blooms 101
people. Blooms are costly. It doesn’t take an economist to know that slime of any color keeps people away ...
Back with a Bang: ‘Baiwoop’ Art Fest Is Saturday (7/30) in Secrest
coordinator Matt Shultzman of Wooster calls it both a showcase for local artists and a way to bring people ... people out here to see that it’s still an awesome place to hang out, to expose people to it if they ... Arts. “The drum circle will have upward of 20 people in it,” said Shultzman, who added that anyone’s ...