
Search results

  1. CFAES Alumni Making News

    International Scholar Research Exposition Summaries Stephanie Conway, BS in Agricultural Education, 2004- FFA is ...

  2. Facts for Your Health and the Health of Others

    viruses” with crown-like spikes on their surface. This type of virus is common in people and in different ... species of animals. There are seven identified types of coronaviruses that can infect people and three of ... distancing  Put distance between yourself and other people Stock up on essentials, avoid panic buying Stay ...

  3. Tough Work Curriculum

    serve as first responders to families in crisis. Tough Work, Understanding and Serving People in Poverty ... provides information and support to equip volunteers and staff who work with people in poverty.  There are ... four session topics: Persistent Poverty: Definitions, Causes and Beliefs Working with People in ...

  4. COVID-19 Facts for Your Health and the Health of Others

    virus is common in people and in different species of animals. There are seven identified types of ... coronaviruses that can infect people and three of the viruses can cause respiratory illnesses. In late 2019 ... distancing  Put distance between yourself and other people Stock up on essentials, avoid panic buying Stay ...

  5. Bankruptcy

    people facing financial turmoil wonder if they really need to hire a lawyer to get them through the ...

  6. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    Each role provided me the opportunity to meet and work with a variety of great people focused on the ... environment, and all people. Judith R. Lindsey BS ’85 Horticulture Young Professional Achievement Award, 1995 ...

  7. Healthy Finances

    families, and through reaching people in their own homes through distance education. To learn more about ...

  8. November is National Diabetes Month

    nearly twice as likely to die from heart disease or stroke as people without diabetes. The good news is ... Diabetes is a cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their ...

  9. Ohio AgrAbility Educational Workshops

    is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and proactive design, ...

  10. Who in the world is the CFAES Alumni Society Board?

    Dairy Club all provided such great moments and the chance to be around some awesome people. CFAES ...
