
Search results

  1. Got Questions on Trees, Plants, Flowers or Conservation? Farm Science Review’s Gwynne Conservation Area Has the Answers

    composting class and other information for people who want to do conservation around their homes,” she said. ... woodlands, wildlife and aquatics with the goal of appealing to as wide a variety of people as possible, ...

  2. What's the Deal with Composting? Here's the Breakdown

    of people began to transition from “hunters and gatherers” to agriculturally based societies. During ... settlers. In the modern world, some scientists found themselves working with composting and people such as ...

  3. CD Wire- February 1, 2021

    Jill's Work: My favorite programs are ones where I get to bring people to Lake Erie through beach ... cleanups or paddling programs. I enjoy these experiential learning programs because it really helps people ... 2 to 3-minute videos focusing on helping people live more sustainably within their homes and ...

  4. CD Wire- June 14, 2021

    the world, and other days not so much. Luckily, people tend to adapt well to stressful situations and ... Indicators of Account Compromise- BuckeyePass (supported by Duo): There have been some cases where people ...

  5. Sharing Impact through Storytelling and Data: Not Mutually Exclusive

    it is about getting information to people for decision-making. It helps us to make sure that we are ...

  6. Medina County CD Grows Presence during COVID-19

    James Renacci, to name a few. It is a fun way to really connect with people and teach them about how the ...

  7. CFAES appoints Kathy Lechman as assistant dean and director of diversity, equity, and inclusion

    Ethnicity.   In her appointment, we have someone familiar with our college and many of our people as well as ...

  8. Organizers thinking big for Farm Science Review’s Small Farm Programs

    come to these presentations. People are looking for ways to increase profitability no matter their size ... presentations.   “Most people come to the Review for just one day, and our presentations overlap, so it would be ...

  9. Organizers Thinking Big for Review's Small Farm Center

    come to these presentations. People are looking for ways to increase profitability no matter their size ... people come to the Review for just one day, and our presentations overlap, so it would be impossible to ...

  10. Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator License Renewals

    served basis. Each training is limited to the first 47 people. You need to arrive 15 minutes before the ...
