
Search results

  1. Voices for Food program looking to expand into more counties

    program. “The healthcare costs associated with chronic diseases often further limit people’s financial ...

  2. Meet Dylan Beam: Biological Engineering Major and Undergraduate Researcher

    than people in the state” rang true. Fortunately for Dylan, he has always had an innate love for the ... first but did not feel it was right. He wanted a more humanitarian pursuit. “I wanted to help people ... a lot of different people doing a lot of different research,” he said. His advice for those who want to ...

  3. M. Banta

    202 Jim, Is there a room there at AGE that I could reserve for three people from 12:30 to about ...

  4. Family, home, career: changes abound for Jordan Maxwell

    people at South Centers, and that she would someday love to move into a permanent role and someday retire ... as an OSU employee.  “Working here has allowed me to expand and grow, and the people that you work ...

  5. 15 Years, 15 Minutes: South Centers scientist Islam recognized by University for soil test kit commercialization

    nation of Ukraine and its people. “They do not have the facilities, so they cannot perform routine soil ...

  6. Meet Grant McHugh: Volunteering to Build a Better World

    same God I believe in is incredible. It’s refreshing and unique. The Lakota people taught me more than ... with the people of Pine Ridge. Grant is passionate about volunteerism. He dedicates his time with the ...

  7. Another Fruitful Year for the Small Fruits Team

    professional service. “Our Extension programs and presentations reached more than 900 people though direct ...

  8. Applied Research and Extension Outreach in Northeast China

    Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences-Jiamusi located in the Peoples Republic of China.  Dr. Rafiq ...

  9. Endeavor Center operates at full occupancy for most of 2018

    Bootcamp – this company helps people connect the dots between food, mental, physical, emotional and ...

  10. Dining with Diabetes

    program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers. In a series of four ...
