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  1. SENR Announcements, November 22

    short films to activity plans – that aim to educate people about a complex environmental issue that ...

  2. Sayeed Mehmood

    often in conflict with each other. People’s perceptions and attitudes about natural resources, their ...

  3. Farms branching out: Expanding opportunities for agroforestry markets, connections, and conservation

    collaborative Ohio Interagency Forestry Team.. Stephanie Chizmar, Ph.D. Dr. Chizmar is a Research Economist with ...

  4. A chat may help convert a peer to a pro-sustainability stance

    a conversation or written exchange helped coax people who held anti-sustainability views toward support for an ... environmentally friendly initiative.  Results also showed that people with a pro-sustainability viewpoint were not ... issues, people can get entrenched in their views, but we find that this is not always the case, at least ...

  5. College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Living-Learning Community (CFAES)

    of like-minded people within a larger campus community truly gives you the best of both worlds. ... I have made during my time here at Ohio State. I met, lived, and learned with people who came from many ... and the people I lived with helped teach me about 4H, FFA, and other aspects of agriculture that ...

  6. Shared Harvest

    distribution site during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles ...

  7. Get ready to jump-start your internship search

    supporting your peers in a casual, friendly environment where people are eager to give you advice and answer ...

  8. First-Year Experience

    an amazing experience. I was able to meet so many new people and be introduced to all different kinds ... introduce you to new people, and generally be there as your first contact/friend at OSU. They will also ...

  9. 4-H Health HEROES pledge their health to better living

    shelters and help people experiencing homelessness,” said Schubert. “Participating in Health HEROES and ...

  10. 2020's

    young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. Travis has a love for the 4-H program through which ...
