
Search results

  1. Student Impact Stories

    college, but it’s true: when you find your niche and your people, you are comfortable. I am comfortable ...

  2. We Did It! Ohio Comes in First in National 4-H Competition

    help bring 4-H to 10 million youth by 2025. Currently 4-H empowers nearly six million young people in ...

  3. Rolling Lift Carts

    Farm equipment is often heavy, bulky, hard to move, and could require two people to safely lift or ...

  4. The Faculty Member Who Changed My Life

    Dr. Martin knew that I regularly come in contact with important people from the College and ...

  5. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Animal Science, 2018- People Behind the Pint: Brittany Fischer & CHAIRE Welcomes Brittany Fischer ...

  6. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities

    Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... knowledge and understanding of employment for people with developmental disabilities in agricultural ... settings • Learn about existing agricultural models that employ people with developmental disabilities ...

  7. Core Competencies

    dealing with... PEOPLE (INTERPERSONAL) THE BUSINESS OF EXTENSION SELF (PERSONAL COMPETENCIES) ... networks, and dynamic human systems; relates well with people. Builds trust by interacting with others in ... appreciates the complex dynamics of organizations, communities (place, politics, and people), and the economic ...

  8. “It’ll change everything. I’ll be able to farm and make food for people and that’s exciting.”

    “It’ll change everything,” Bentlage says. “I’ll be able to farm and make food for people and ...

  9. Fall Scholarship Dinner 2014

    A record 350 people gathered for live music, great food and valued company at the 2014 Fall ...

  10. April EPN Breakfast Club and Columbus GreenSpotLight 2016 Awards

    wrapping up with awards celebrating the top GreenSpot people and places for 2016.   More information: ...
