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  1. 4-Hers Conquer Eco-Bot Challenge

    Young people across the United States participated in the Eco-Bot challenge, a simulated toxic ...

  2. Swine Virus Will Impact Production, Prices in 2014; Strict Bio-security Essential

    understand and regulate the flow of traffic (people, supplies, maintenance crews and delivery equipment) in ...

  3. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 22

    5: Registration deadline for Food for Billions: Feeding Nine Billion People by 2050 Sept.12 in ... or 614-292-6648. Sept. 12: Food for Billions: Feeding Nine Billion People by 2050, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., ... university’s Stone Lab, take part in an outdoor volunteer project, and meet new people. Registration is free ...

  4. Culling Decisions

    component and is also learned by calves at an early age. Mean cattle are dangerous to people, damage ...

  5. How Good Nutrition Can Combat Effects of Lead in Water

    other fruits and vegetables. “Basically, what I tell people is to follow MyPlate,” online at ...

  6. Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference is Feb. 8

    a teachable moment,” he said. “As people look back and think about what they did last year and how they might ...

  7. Ohio State Food Science Student Receives $25,000 STEM Scholarship from Monsanto

    able to meet the demands of feeding a growing global population of nine billion people by 2050.”   The ...

  8. Zero Waste, Big Benefits: Ohio State to Hold Course on Large-scale Composting

    for people who work at or with commercial-scale composting facilities, he said-- places that handle ...

  9. Ohio State Team Promotes Nature-based 'ECO-farming'

    farm conference in Ohio. More than 1,200 people are expected. The ECO-farming team’s other members ...

  10. OSU Safety Specialist: Proper Lighting, Footwear, Key in Lessing Risk of Injury on Farm

    promotes independence for people in agriculture who want to continue farming after experiencing a disabling ...
