
Search results

  1. Farm Days at COSI

    estimated 15,000 people. Farm Days aims to increase visitors’ knowledge of agriculture through fun,hands-on ...

  2. Ohio’s newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    Ohio but across the country,” he said. “The pleasure of continuing to see the growth of people I have ...

  3. Farmers, Greenhouse Operators Invited to Natural Gas Workshop Jan. 14

    a lot of people, including farmers,” said workshop organizer Douglas Southgate, professor of ...

  4. Women in Agriculture to Gather April 1 at Annual East Ohio Conference

    information we already gather,” Wright said. “I get to know what other people are doing and how that might ...

  5. Tips and Events for the Week of May 7

    responsible for spreading most of the Lyme disease to people and dogs. Human cases of Lyme disease in Ohio ...

  6. 2015 Sessions for On-Farm Food Safety Training Scheduled

    are open to all. Classes may be cancelled if fewer than 10 people preregister, Hoover said. Sessions ...

  7. Fall Fire Safety

    100 people die each year as a result of their clothing becoming ignited. Only purchase costumes and ...

  8. The Department of Animal Sciences Welcomes New Faculty Members Wenner and Enger

    describe this variation to the people making decisions with the data or designing the next generation of ...

  9. Safe Driving Through Work Zones

    speed limits may be reduced, traffic lanes may be changed, and people and vehicles may be working on or ...

  10. Late Planting Increases Need to Scout for Pests

    people cutting early to help stem the pests,” Hammond said. “And we’ve had reports of Asiatic garden ...
