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  1. How Do You Make A Healthier Cream Cheese That Doesn't Suck?

    trans fats-- the fats people think are unhealthy. Replacing those with unsaturated fats, like olive oil, ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: Protect yourself from identity theft

    phone or in-person scams by people asking for your bank account numbers, credit card numbers or Social ...

  3. Ohio Invasive Species Profile: Asian Longhorned Beetle

    people. Where it’s at in Ohio: Parts of Clermont County in southwest Ohio. There’s currently about ...

  4. Ohio State Experts: Farmers, First Responders Need to Prepare for Agro-terrorism

    their farms at all times. “It’s not that we don’t want to be able to trust people-- farmers have to have ...

  5. OSU Extension to Offer Tax Webinar Feb. 6 to Update Growers and Producers on Farm-related Tax Issues

    hours packed with information that people can connect to from the comfort of their home.” For more ...

  6. Conference to Help Small Farm Owners ‘Open Doors to Success’

    that will offer information that can benefit a variety of growers, Nye said. About 250 people are ...

  7. ‘All Corn Is the Same,’ and Other Foolishness about America’s King of Crops

    • Most corn produced in the United States is not eaten by people: The largest amount of corn produced by ...

  8. Tri-lateral Partnership Addresses African Food Security

    these people together," Erbaugh said. "PAU has strong programs in crop breeding, soil and ...

  9. Fighting Ohio's Invasive Species: 'Everyone Can Be Part of the Battle'

    Awareness Week from March 3 to 8. “We’re trying to open people’s eyes to what’s going on in the environment ... Invasive species are those that aren’t native to a place but arrive through people’s actions, either by ... species damage their new home’s environment and cost people, communities and businesses money, she said. ...

  10. Research from Professor Elena Irwin, Professor Mark Partridge, AEDE Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy, and AEDE alumnus Heather Stephens, PhD, profiled in Twine Line, a magazine of The Ohio Sea Grant College Program

    people to move to communities along the coast, but homeowners were willing to pay substantially more for ... higher income, higher educated people, makes us optimistic.” You can read the full article here. The Ohio ...
